Best kitchen hacks you wish you knew it before.

Being a busy bee and managing your kitchen is at times a challenge. To keep yourself less frustrated we enlist the best kitchen hacks to save your life and time.

best kitchen hacks

1.Scrambled egg in oven

Yes, you read it right. Grease the mug with sprinkles of oil.  Crack two eggs to the mug.Add milk or water and add needed pepper and salt to it. Mix it up with a fork or a spoon. Bake it in  the oven for 90 sec. After every 30 sec, stop the oven and stir the mixture to get perfect scrambled egg.This would the best kitchen hacks of your life.

best kitchen hacks

2.Poached eggs at a time

You can prepare a dozen poached eggs at a single time using a muffin tray. In a muffin tray sprinkle some water and crack open the eggs in it. Add the seasonings and bake it for 11 to 13 minutes at a  temperature of about 350 degrees. 

3.Soften your cookies

Store your cookies in an airtight container along with a store bought white bread. This keeps the cookies fresh and it does not become dry and becomes the best kitchen hacks.

4.Cutting at ease

This handy tool is a must in all the kitchen. This tool comes up with wires and does not refrain it only for eggs. It also works well with kiwis, mushrooms, strawberries,

5.Freeze leftover wine and broth

best kitchen hacks

Pour the leftover wine in an ice tray and wrap it up with a  plastic wrap. This plastic wrap prevents ice to form as a top layer in the ice tray. Now you can use the same in your cooking. You can also do the same with broth. Adding broths to sauce, risottos makes it taste even better

 6.Iced coffee

Instead of diluting your energy boosters with water, add coffee ice cubes to it and enrich its taste. Pour your favorite coffee blends in an ice tray and freeze it up. And add them when needed.

7.Cake in a mug

Coat a mug with oil and crack an add to it.Whisk  it completely and add ¼ cup of nutella to it and stir well.Microwave it for a minute and enjoy a healthy dessert in minutes. 

8.Sheet pan as tray

Your sheet pan can be a space saver. Arrange the needed ingredients in it and use the sheet pan as a tray wisely.

9.Unfreeze the Butter 

If you have forgotten to take your butter out from the refrigerator and find it difficult to use it, then chop the butter bar into small cubes and rest it on the counter. It will be ready for you to use it.

10.Avoid bowl from slipping

At times when you mix up your ingredients  in a bowl may slip from your hand and fall off. To prevent it, just place a damp towel under the bowl and use it.

11.Chill wine in instant

If you wanna to chill your wine bottle super fast, then fill the pitcher with cold water and add a spoon of salt to it. Within a few minutes, chilled wine gets ready.

12.Super crisp fried food

To get super crisp fried golden brown rolls, sprinkle some oil on the roll before keeping it in the fryer.A very light coating of oil to it will create wonders.

13.Bringing eggs to room Temperature

Before preparing  any dish associated with egg, make sure to bring eggs to  room temperature. After removing the eggs  from the fridge,place the eggs in a bowl of running tap water for a few minutes     

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